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You're Not That Special

Today for probably the millionth time I heard someone ask her friend “Why do these things always happen to me?”

This statement has always bothered me. It bothered me when I was younger because I couldn’t understand who they were blaming. Then, when I got older it bothered me even more because I realised they were directing this question to “life”.

Ok, so let’s say “life” was a being that controlled what happened from day to day in all our days. What would make one person think that “life” was picking on them specifically? To think that this “life” has a personal vendetta against you is a bit ridiculous. What makes one person so special that this “life” would make sure that bad stuff always happens to them? I still can’t figure it out.

“Life” is not someone or something that decides whether you do or do not have a good day today. It is just life. It is the day to day that we go through, it is the full 24 hours ticking by with each cycle.

If you think that life is out to get you just remember: You’re not that special.

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